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Too Small?

Writer's picture: Noelle LeBlancNoelle LeBlanc


What thoughts materialize when you hear the word “dandelion?”

Do you view the dandelion flower as a nuisance weed that ruins your perfectly manicured lawn or do you see the dandelion as something beautiful, healing and even magical?

Have you ever picked a dandelion, took a deep breath and then blew- sending hundreds of seeds and wishes into the atmosphere?

A flower that inspired childlike dreaming and wishes on a spring day now as an adult can inspire frustration over seeing them sprout all over the lawn.

Interesting change of perspective.

Honestly, I’ve not given the dandelion much thought until recently.

Did you know that the dandelion evolved about 30 million years ago and has been utilized by humans for food and herbs for much of recorded history? Not only have they been used for food but, there is even such things as dandelion wine and dandelion coffee! Dandelions are rich in Vitamins and are also good sources of calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. In addition to a food source, dandelions have medicinal value with treating infections, bile and liver problems.

Who knew that such a tiny “weed” made such a positive mark on civilization?

If a dandelion can be used to impact the world in such a significant way, how much more can God use us –(the very ones made in His image) to impact the world?

In a society that tells us that size matters, "the bigger the better", "super-size that order"- we tend to overlook the significance of the small.

We think that we can’t make a significant impact on the world unless it is BIG!

This way of thinking, keeps us from the significant and limits God.

Isaiah 55:8 tells us “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.”” (NLT)

What this tells me is nothing is too small for God to use in some big way.

While we may see things as small and insignificant God may see them as momentous.

Look at the Bible story of the little boy who shared his lunch of bread and fish- God used a tiny meal of five barley loaves and two small fish to feed thousands (and even had leftovers!) (John 6:1-14)

David used five small stones to take down mighty Goliath! (1 Samuel 17:40-47)

Let us also remember, Tabitha who used her sewing needle for the glory of God. She was distinguished in the Bible and known for being “full of good works and charitable deeds.” She took a small instrument and performed a common task but it was more than acceptable in the eyes of God. (Acts 9:36-39)

No work is too small for the Lord! (Zechariah 4:10)

God’s call carries the same significance-- no matter how big or how small the assignment.

Thus, we should never dismiss or devalue a call from the divine; even if, at first blush, it seems trivial.

Because, sometimes it is in the smallest that God is magnified the largest!

Are you willing to give Him your smallest offering and believe that He can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine? Or will you limit God by believing "too small?"

Lord, help us to not dismiss a calling on our life because we may think it too small or insignificant. Our thoughts are not your thoughts and our ways are not your ways. Nothing is too small for you to take delight. May we always be obedient to you and may we have boldness to step out in faith to answer your call believing that nothing is impossible in your hands.

"It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and threw into his own garden; and it grew and became a tree, and THE BIRDS OF THE AIR NESTED IN ITS BRANCHES." Luke 13:19

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