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No Goodbyes

Maybe I’m just an oddball, but I loathe sunsets (no matter how beautiful) because to me they signal the end of the day, which in turn makes me sad.

I’ve been this way since childhood, especially with sunsets and good-byes. I can still see my little grandmother standing at the backdoor holding up her arm with one hand under her elbow and waving like crazy saying good-bye as we drove away.

Each good-bye would always break my heart.

Year-end is another time that depresses me, again, something coming to a close.

Another End.

Why are endings and good-bye's so hard to accept?

How do we reconcile them and deal with the difficult things in life that cause us pain, grief, depression and anguish?

When the pain and absence is crushing?

Bring yourself to your knees and ask God to change your PERSPECTIVE.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8 (NIV)



Instead of saying “good-bye” I now say, “see you later.” For it promises another time together.

When viewing a sunset, I choose to see it as not an end but the beginning of a wonderful night – looking forward to seeing the moon and sparkling stars.

When nearing the year’s end, I look back and take inventory of all the blessings I was given and I ponder what the new year may hold- looking forward to God’s hand on my life in the upcoming year.

It is in the simple that we find profound healing.

But, dealing with death is MUCH harder for many reasons: 1) because we want to cling and not let go… we want things to stay frozen- somehow thinking we should be immortal; and 2) the absence in our life is shocking and terribly painful.

We view death as the ultimate end

but, in reality it is so much more.....

It is a transition into the beginning.

I saw this transition first hand when my beloved grandfather decided it was time for him to go- yes, he decided it was time!

At the age of 92, after recovering from surgery, he decided that he had enough with this life and was ready to go home.

Without any extreme measures, he excitedly awaited his Savior. Surrounded by those he loved the most, he talked about his life, he talked with expectation of seeing Jesus, and he talked with excitement about seeing his wife (his Cookie) again. He was even blessed with meeting his great-great granddaughter days before his passing.

And we watched with awe, as he dwindled and then quietly drifted off with peace blanketing him and joy in his soul.

I’ve never seen anything more beautiful--- the graceful acceptance and exuberance of his impending transition to something better. (For there was no doubt that Christ awaited him and God's promises were true!)

Despite, my grief it was in my grandfather’s journey that I saw what death really was…

a transition….

into something beautiful...

into something more glorious than we could hope or imagine.

We are ALWAYS in the arms of Christ- who promises…

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.

No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Romans 8:38-39 (NLT)

I say there are no true good-byes, rather promises of later-- promises of new beginnings for those who embrace Christ.

The next time you view a sunset, the next good-bye, the next death of a loved one that leaves you with breathless grief- remember God is with you in that moment and He promises he will make all things new!

Good-bye is not in God's vocabulary!

Father, we are so thankful that you give us new beginnings. That the unpleasantness of this life is only temporary and that you walk beside us every step of the way. When this life is over it isn't an end only a beginning of something magnificent that we cannot even imagine. Nothing is impossible with you so, we ask that you help us to change our perspective that we may always think on what is pure, right and lovely- seeing our circumstances through your eyes. All hope is in You- the Author of Hello!

2 Corinthians 5:17 – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

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