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Mission Impossible?

When you hear the word rescue- what comes to mind?

Heroes that save the day, just in the nick of time?

Rescue animals that find the missing child?

The boat that arrives right before the ship sinks?

The lifeguard that braves the surf to save someone from drowning?

Suffice to say; rescue naturally goes hand-in-hand with drama. Dramatic moments that stir deep emotion because lives are usually at stake.

I wonder, how many of us pictured God when the word rescue was proposed?

Friends - don’t overlook that God is the ultimate rescuer.

He has been from the very start, and His constant rescue efforts are seamlessly interwoven throughout the Bible.

Consider just a few of His liberations:

* He saved Noah and his entire family from the flood.

* He rescued Joseph over and over again and eventually made him acting ruler over all of Egypt.

* He orchestrated Moses being adopted into Pharaoh’s home and spared him from infanticide.

* God shut the lions’ mouths and kept Daniel from being attacked and eaten.

* He kept Jonah safe in the belly of the whale.

* He spared Rahab by ushering her out of Jericho before the city is demolished.

* Jesus intervened and prevented the adulterous woman from being stoned to death.

* Jesus brought Lazarus back to life!

Time and again, God demonstrated He is more than willing and capable of rescue.

What's beautiful about being mindful of God’s past rescue missions is fully appreciating that He was more than capable then which means He is more than capable of rescuing right now!

The Bible tells us in Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

That means His love, compassion, and abilities never change, diminish or expire!

Is there drama in your life that seems so overwhelming and impossible that you don't know what to do or where to turn?

Are you in desperate need of help? Healing? Rescue?

Don't forget about the ultimate rescuer- turn to God in your time of need. He is more than capable of handling any emergency- history proves it!

No mission is impossible for God!

Thank you Lord, that you are constant and true. You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Your mercies endure forever and you are more than capable of rescuing in any situation.

"He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us." ~2 Corinthians 1:10

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