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Writer's pictureNoelle LeBlanc

How to Achieve Lasting Transformation

Updated: Aug 9, 2024

Today I want to share one of my favorite outdoor activities and how it correlates to life change. That outdoor activity is hiking.

For me, there's just something about hiking that screams adventure mixed with the tranquility of nature. To take things slowly and observe God's country to get from one place to another, following well-worn paths or hunting for trail markers.   I guess there shouldn't be any surprise that I enjoyed the movie "A Walk in the Woods" starring Robert Redford and Nick Nolte.   It is the story of two seniors who decide that age isn't going to stop them, and they embark on the journey of hiking the Appalachian Trail.   For folks here in Hawaii, that might not sound like much, but the Appalachian Trail is the longest hiking ONLY trail in the world.   It is over 2,200 miles long and goes through mountains, forests, wildlands, towns, roads, and farms. From south to north, it passes through GeorgiaNorth Carolina, TennesseeVirginiaWest VirginiaMarylandPennsylvaniaNew JerseyNew York, ConnecticutMassachusettsVermontand New Hampshire, and ends in Maine. That's 14 states ya’ll!!!   In 1921, Benton MacKaye, after his wife died, came up with the idea of the Appalachian Trail; he envisioned a grand trail connecting a series of farms and work camps for city dwellers.   Hiking wasn't the intended focus. Yet, by 1937 (with the help of a network of people), the trail was completed and is still maintained to this day. Now, a typical “thru-hiker” can complete the entire trail (one-way) in 5 to 7 months.


All of this is just amazing to me, and if I were younger (and I enjoyed camping), I would consider doing it! I can only imagine the beauty and what an experience it would be —like stepping back into time—traveling through all those states! I would love to see how well the trail is kept and how easy or difficult it would be to follow!   


Now, you might be wondering what in the world hiking has to do with transformation. You could guess that it's about "goal setting," determination, fortitude, willpower, courage, persistence, and ability—all the things that we naturally believe are important for change and necessary for transformation to take place.  


Yet, the Bible tells us something completely different. 


I've got news for you, ladies. You can go to all the TED talks you like, read every self-help book you can get your hands on, and listen to motivational teachings, and although you might get some interesting nuggets of helpful information, it's not going to transform you. If you believe that you were created by God, don't you think God knows exactly what is needed for change to occur in His creation? 


God’s truth is that transformation comes from renewing our minds!


Romans 12:2 tells us, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”


Before I get into how hiking comes into play, I want to first talk about the science of neuroplasticity- or the brain's ability to grow, change, and heal. Do you know that neuroscientists have discovered that our brains are designed to create new neurons and new pathways- they believe that just like going to the gym to develop muscle through action and experience, we can take advantage of our body's ability to modify and change as each time we learn or do something new, our brain creates a new connection or path and repeating that action reinforces that connection or path. 


So, this is where hiking comes into play.   Because it's a great analogy of how we can effectively renew our minds, I wish I could take credit for it- but this comes from Diane Tarring in her Freedom Advance Handbook, where she likens hiking trails to our brain’s neural pathways.   She says, and I quote- Think of it this way… hiking trails are similar to our brain's neural pathways just as a grassy path becomes flattened, matted, and worn away every time a hiker walks over it as we focus on something with our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors we strengthen our brain pathways over the days, months and years, a well-traveled hiking trail becomes a well-worn pathway. The most well-worn pathways become our default; in other words, the thought patterns we have the most often become our go-to thought patterns because most of us go through life on autopilot, and we wonder why we keep playing the same negative and often toxic thoughts, attitudes, words, and behaviors over and over again. This is also why the habits and thoughts we have had for many years are the most challenging to change; they have become our default and have carved the most well-worn neuropathways. The good news is that when we create new positive and healthy neuropathways and abandon the old negative pathways, they disappear over a short period of time." 


Just like the Appalachian Trail, our brains have so many well-worn paths that we automatically travel them. They guide us and take us places we often don't want to be. Have you ever felt like you were on a hamster wheel—year after year, always seeming to struggle with the same thing? Never breaking free and being able to be different, think differently, and do differently?


I believe it all stems from the pathways we have created over the course of our lives—those well-worn neuropathways that shape our thinking, which in turn influences our actions and reactions!


We’ve failed to fully grasp and understand God's words when He tells us in

Proverbs 23:7, "As a man thinks, so is He."


Proverbs 4:23- “More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it.”


Ladies, grasp this truth that we were created in love and agree with 2 Timothy 1:7, which says, "God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind."


Start believing that even though you cannot control events and circumstances in this life- you can control your thoughts and responses- claim your SOUND MIND! 


This is where God's word becomes practical- "cast all your cares," "renew your mind," "be anxious for nothing," and "bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ."  


It matters! What we think about ourselves matters!    


It is the difference between freedom and bondage. It's the difference between walking the same old tired paths and new ones!


As I discussed in my last podcast, understanding your identity is crucial.   Your TRUE identity- what God has to say about who you are!    This is your first step to transformation. 


Once you know what God has to say over you, you are ready for the final step—ready to “renew your mind” and create those new neuropathways. 


It's simple: You agree with what God has to say about you, and then you start DECLARING IT!


Declare that NEW thing.   And then keep declaring it- repetition will strengthen and establish that new pathway!   Just like the hiking trail that gets more pronounced each time it's traveled!


As not to be hypocritical- I’ve embarked on my 30-day declaration to create a new path for my transformation.    I went before the Lord in prayer and asked Him what lie I believed about myself and what He had to say about me. His response was the word "powerful," and he reminded me of 2 Timothy 1:7.   So, I wrote out my declaration on an index card and posted it on my vanity to remind me to declare daily that "I have been given power, love, and a sound mind. God's love casts out all fear and doubt, and I walk in step with Adonai. I am powerful."


What have you been believing about yourself?   Unworthy, incapable, powerless, impatient, unkind, timid, afraid, sick, addicted? What words have created negative neuropaths? 


Ladies, you can change it!    You can achieve transformation! Take it to your Heavenly Father and ask Him what is true. Use your imagination (that beautiful imagination that God gave you to visualize, meditate, and reflect upon His word- search scripture and see what is highlighted just for you.   


Then declare it! 


Because a transformed mind focuses on the things of Philippians 4:8-


“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." 


I leave you with this quote from D. L. Moody-


“The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation!”


So, Ladies- take courage and embark on this journey today because lasting transformation is possible when we renew our minds with God! 



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